Gabrielle Paré-Simard 

Gabrielle is an Advisor and lawyer-investigator at Latitude. She acts as a neutral and impartial third party in mandates involving harassment, violence, discrimination and conflicts in the workplace.

Before joining the team, Gabrielle completed her articling and began her career in civil litigation and labour and employment law in a private firm where she carried out various mandates. Her practice in litigation and labour and employment law has allowed her to develop her analytical and synthesis skills, her writing skills and her ability to properly identify client needs.

During her university studies, Gabrielle worked as a research assistant in elder law and was involved in the health law committee of the University of Montreal, in an effort to promote a human, social and current approach to law.


  • Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), Université de Montréal 

Activities and Memberships

  • Quebec Bar